sXe 13.2 Fix 2 SOH Wallhack
- 1: open sXe 13.1 all fix
- 2: open xtrapkill.exe and go to Ring0 hooks and right click in mouse and restore all
- 3: open SOH wallhack
- 4:open Cs 1.6 join any server
KEY BINDS/FEATURES- f8 crosshair
- f9 simple wallhack
- f10 Night vision
- f11 Asus wallhack
- f12 Lambert
Xtrapkill Download :
Write comments(( xtrapkill.exe )) where can we find it ????
ReplyDownload Xtrap kill Extract the file and Open Xtrap kill then go to process and right click on mouse then click restore all
Replyi was busy Sorry For that :P