Extreme Injector v3.6 - PowerFull Advanced Injector by Master131

Download the Release of New Extreme Injector v3.6 a Powerfull and Advanced Injector by master131. As I said in previously article about Extreme Injector and their features.


- Colourful and customizable GUI
- Process List
- Multi-DLL injection (with options to enable/disable DLLs to inject)
- Auto-Inject
- Stealth Inject
- Close on inject
- DLL Scrambling (scrambles DLLs on injection to make hacks harder to detect and make detected hacks work again)
- 'Un-inject' DLLs
- Mutiple injection methods (Standard, LdrLoadDll Stub, LdrpLoadDll Stub, Thread Hijacking and Manual Map)
- Drag and drop support
- 64-bit injection support
- Automatic Visual C++ depedency installer
- Execute exported functions after injection

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